Saturday, September 9, 2017

Pet Peeve #7,101: Selfie Finger Pointing

Since selfies gained popularity with the rise of social media, there have been tons of trends that have formed while taking the selfie. The duck-face may be the most mocked, yet people still do it. Holding the camera above your head and shooting downward has assisted people to look skinnier than they really are. Then we come to one that people do and in my belief, don't get mocked enough for...the selfie/photo pose in which the people in the photo point at each other.


I ask why do so? Was the photo taken only a second before the other guy jumped into and you just realized who he or she is? Do the people in the photo not realize until the last second that someone is in the photo with them? Are they pointing at the other person, signaling to the photographer to take a picture of them instead? Is it one of those moments where you point at the guy and say, "'s you," because you forgot their name and at that moment the photo was taken? Are you hoping that the other guy will pull your finger so you can let out a giant fart?

It seems unnecessary and for some reason is popping up in more and more photos.

Stop it!

There's no need to point a finger during a photo. Presumably, people can see you're in a photo with someone else.

So, stop it!

Could you imagine a photo with Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin pointing at each other at the Yalta Conference? No? That's because it's unnecessary and there is no reason for it.

Just stop it!

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