Saturday, June 4, 2016

People Like Feeling Angry

"We hate love,
        We love hate,"
   Marilyn Manson
Usually when I write something on here, it's in third person or closer to a news article style of writing. In this case, this is more opinion based and I don't have a wealth of studies or polls to back my writing up. Agree or disagree, it's up to you, but be kind in the comments.
America has thrived over the years of being a country of hope and happiness. There have been time periods where fear has been sprinkled in the mix such as the 1950's after the USSR launched Sputnik into space.
In recent years though, there has been a shift in the mentality of people. Maybe it's because the online/internet persona of hiding behind keyboards has risen from the anonymity to the real world or maybe it's just something that we as a country were destined to evolve to. The world is following as well.
The mentality has shifted into anger. People seem to love being angry now. Many will actually seek it out through their actions. Instead of finding ways to become happier through their actions or through other means, people will find ways to intentionally spread hatred and angst among their fellow man.
The most prominent place that people attack others is on the internet. The act has become so common that it has been given a name...trolling. People will purposely start fights on the internet, often on social media or message boards with the intention of angering others and in turn becoming even more angry themselves. People look forward to doing this on a daily basis. They look forward to fighting and in the process becoming angrier themselves. If they didn't like fighting and the anger that comes from it, then why do it?
The same thing happens in person now. At baseball games for example there have always been fans of opposing sides attending, but other then some banter, there was no worries of leaving the stadium on a stretcher. A San Francisco Giants fan named Brian Stowe wore his team's apparel found out the hard way that in some stadiums this is no longer the case. Dodgers fans nearly beat him to death for just being a fan of their rival.
The same happens all the time now at soccer events. There are actually gangs associated with Argentina soccer teams that seek to hurt and even kill opposing fans at matches.
Obviously this has carried over into politics as well and there are still hate groups out there that have existed for years, but the number of people who appear to love to hate have risen to what now seems like the majority.
America needs to change. The world needs to change. Hate and anger are strong emotions, but in the end can't be fulfilling. When was it that people forgot this simple piece of knowledge?

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