Sunday, October 18, 2015

Themed Parties, Not Just for Halloween

Why must Halloween be the only time of the year for themed parties? Of course other holidays have their own themed parties such as July 4th barbeques with American flags and good food being cooked up on the grill, but parties rarely costume themes unless it is a Halloween party.

Masquerade balls used to be something that people who aren't hurting for money would have, but even then many times, attendees of these of these balls only wore a domino mask with something formal. Not much of a costume at all. Kids on the other hand sometimes have pajama party sleepovers with their friends, but these parties usually dissipate after the kids hit their early teenage years.

Adults, ones of average means and usually between the ages of twenty-one to their mid-forties, don't tend to have a themed party beyond the ones that celebrate the holidays. They may have get-togethers, but they usually involve little more than someone buying some beer and ordering up a pizza or two. While hanging out with friends is the key point of the get-together, sometimes a party theme adds enthusiasm to the party and can even sway the friends that were on the fence to show up, to actually attend the party.

Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy throws one of these parties every year that all of Hollywood, models, and various other celebrities look forward to every year. The theme is Midsummer Night's Dream Party. Now being a Playboy party, many of the models do show up in lingerie obviously, but there is also a Shakespearean quality to the theme because the party is named of the famous playwright's work.

Once again, a party for people of means, but it's not something that a person couldn't do in their own home and why not? When Americans are working harder for their money than ever and have less spending cash available, something like a themed party could be something cheap to throw and enjoy if all those attending pitch in. Bring your own beer or alcohol would be a start since that is usually the most expensive thing a party host has to pay for. Wear your own themed costumer, whether it be an adult pajama party, a beach themed party, a superhero party, or anything else you can come up with, only cost money to the costume wearer. Even then, most people have elements of most of these themes in their own closet without having to spend too much money.

Now think back to the parties you have thrown that weren't centered around a particular holiday. Can you remember the specifics to any of these parties? Now think about it. Would that party be more memorable if it had a theme to it? Say you threw a party with a "Favorite Movie Character" theme, wouldn't it be more memorable if you had friends show up as Jay and Silent Bob? Charlie Chaplin's tramp? Marilyn Monroe's dress raising "The Girl" from Seven Year Itch? Not only would the parties be more memorable, but an element of fun would be added to it that your average party doesn't have.

So why must kids and rich people have all the fun? Everyone should be given an opportunity to not just party, but have a memorable one that creates longer lasting memories.

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